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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Second Quote of the Week! ~( ̄。 ̄)~

"People don't get along because they fear each other. People fear each other because they don't know each other. They don't know each other because they have not properly communicated with each other." - Martin Luther King Jr.

   This quote means that it's difficult for people who differentiate to get along. MLK stated "They don't know each other because they have not properly communicated with each other.", meaning that two different people may see each other by enemies, yet they most likely haven't properly communicated. When two people are different, they tend to treat each other different than how they would treat somebody who's the same.

  This quote relates to many things, but the biggest of all is obviously racism. There are countless racists in this world judging others by their outer features. I wonder, has a racist ever properly communicated with the race they have so much hatred for? Has a racist ever heard of the famous saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover."?

 In the end, hatred between two different people is the definition of this world. I don't think it's something that can be "fixed", but this quote does really have a meaning. Try to think of the person you hate, and think "Have I ever actually talked to them?" Look at that person you dislike, and think of 10 things you know about that person. Do people actually know the people they hate, without knowing whether they might be going through hard times? Be kind, you don't know what somebody is truly going through.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Quote of the Week :^)

"We are wiser than we know." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

     This quote means that some people may be smarter than they think. You may come across somebody who thinks they're an idiot, yet they're the most creative and smartest person you've ever met. Sadly these days theres more people thinking they're stupid rather than acknowledging their intelligence. It shows humans tend to think less of themselves.

     This quote relates to many teens these days. Almost every teenager will never admit to being smart, even though their grades and performances clearly show it. I know people that act like they're an idiot, while their grades are all A's. Again, it shows that people think the stupidest person in the world is ....themselves.

    In conclusion, (not to blame society on everything),  but I feel that if people these days talk about their accomplishments, they're immedietly downed on, because of the judgemental people on the media. So most people conclude to acting stupid rather than admitting their intelligence. I think that it's wrong to bloat about your accomplishments, but it's not wrong to acknowledge who you really are.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Quote of the Week (╥_╥)

"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one"- Unknown

In life, you may come across a time where the easy path is right in front of you. Yet, the easiest path may not be the right path. It may be easy to pick one path or another, so you really need to motivate yourself and trust your heart with the decisions you make.

 As example, it's the beginning of school. You want to get all A's (who doesn't) but the path to good grades come with studying, and blocking out other activities to focus on school. Getting all A's is the right path, but it does come with difficulty. The easy path is to not study at all, and not care about your grades. Personally, I don't think that is the right path. It may be the easiest, but never will one path be easy and right.

In the end, I think sometimes you can let yourself slide, and take an easy route. But not always. To get to a wanted goal comes with hard work and motivation. So just don't give up!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Quote of the Week (  ゚,_ゝ゚)

" A friend who lies for you may also lie against you." - Unknown

    This quote means that a friend who has done something in front of you may also do the same thing behind you. Friends might do something for you, but one day might actually use that exact thing against you. If a friend likes to gossip about people to you, how do you know if they don't gossip about you to others?

   This quote relates to MANY drama situations these days. Some friends might start doubting each other since (example) friend 1 might think that friend 2 is talking about friend 1 to others, just like friend 2 is talking about others to friend 1. I can admit myself that I have thought I might have been back-stabbed by a "friend", and never knew. Situations like these are lethal for friend groups, so what really is needed is trust. Make sure you trust your friends to have a healthy friendship!