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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Quote of the Week ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it."- Warren Buffett

    This quote means it may take long to do something, but no matter how long it took, it can take seconds to ruin it. There are millions of examples to this quote, but some examples I feel relate to it the most.

   This quote relates to friendships. You can be friends with somebody for years, knowing everything about each other, and always being together. But if one little gossip about each other slips out, everything can be ruined. If one wrong word said about each other, there can be an arguments for weeks.

   This quote also relates to businesses. Hundreds of businesses have been running before the 1950's. They may be very successful, but they still must be precautions. If the owner of that company says one thing that can offend a large amount of people, there can be immense drops in the selling of their product. And I have even heard of companies going bankrupt because of one small thing. That shows that years of hard work can be ruined with one word.

   This quote also relates to celebrities. We all know the major celebrities who messed up on one thing and their whole career was ruined. As example, Ariana Grande. She's a singer who is an idol to millions of people. She inspired everybody with her personality and her amazing voice. But remember that video, that one video that went viral on TMZ? It was of her licking a donut in a donut shop. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should let her off the hook because she's a celebrity. After the video went viral she got so much hate for doing one small thing. I think maybe the media should think that nobody is perfect!

   In conclusion, I think this quote relates to the world more than any other quote. It shows that nobody is perfect, while the world ruins each other because of not being it. In the end we should all forgive each other, by comparing one negative to the millions of positive.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your rant from before. I hope you do another one.
