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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Quote of the Week!

"An angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes."-Cato

        This quote means that many people tend to not think before they speak. Since this quote is obviously not literal, saying the man "shuts his eyes" means that person just wanted an answer, and didn't open their eyes to see it's right in front of them. This quote is mostly about people being angry, because you get mixed emotions, so either your brain or your mouth works. Most of the time, it's the brain.

       This quote relates to many people, especially people in school. Many friends in my school tend to argue a lot, and when they do it's crazy how they don't think before they speak.  I'm not perfect, I do end up spitting something out in no way I meant to say. A lot of people can relate to this. Maybe you told a secret that wasn't supposed to leave your mouth, or did an action that will be regretful. You will be thinking 24/7 how dumb you are, and that thought isn't pleasant. But, I have a method that many other people use too.

       Before I say something, I ask myself, "Will this affect somebody negatively? Will I regret it? Is it not positive?" I feel having those thoughts before I say something will drastically make a good change. Try to be the person who will affected by your words. If that effect isn't positive, just don't say it!

        In the end, instead of talking too much, try to talk only when necessary. Ask yourself the questions I ask myself, and try to act out how you will feel if the words you were saying were said to you.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Quote of The Week :)

"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist"- Indira Gandhi

         I feel this quote means that you cannot open up to others, if you yourself are not willing to. You cannot accomplish something if you're close minded. You cannot make peace if you are angry. There are many definitions to this quote, but it really only means one thing. It's really telling you to just be happy. We all had a point in our lives where we had no idea why people were blocking us out, or not accepting us. You think you try your best to be friendly, or to make a good appearance. To tell the truth, you probably aren't. Don’t be offended, I know how you feel!

      This quote really relates to me because in one point of my life, I did have friends. But I didn't feel like they would be there for me on days I needed them the most, or if they would choose me over others. I felt left out of everything. I blamed it on them, for being rude to me, for excluding me. I was completely wrong. The real problem was not that they didn’t open up to me; it’s that I didn't open up to them. They probably didn't know my favorite color or even my birthday, only because I didn’t tell them. It wasn't their fault, it was mine. 

     I started to become happier. I smiled more, looked down less, started conversations. I started to notice people becoming friendlier with me. I had a closed fist, but I started to open it. Right now I'm in 8th grade, and I do not feel lonely anymore. I have friends that are there for me, that know a lot about me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a perfect life. Sometimes I do feel unhappy, but I try my best to not look down, because that leads to me looking up.

    Here’s my advice, smile more! I know it’s not easy, you can’t change personalities overnight. Still though, if there are moments where you think it’s a right time to smile, just do it! Slowly over time, you will see more people will approach you. Start more conversations; walk up to people with a bright smile on your face! Don’t think that since you are ignored now, it’s going to be like that forever. I bet whoever’s reading this is an amazing person, and just doesn’t know it yet. Everybody has potential, but many just lack showing it! You cannot be friends with somebody that isn't approachable, so just be yourself and be joyful!