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Monday, February 29, 2016

Quote of the Week(ミ ̄ー ̄ミ)

"Blood is thicker than water" -Unknown

  We've all once heard this quote said from your parents. Even though it may seem irritating to hear it, it couldn't be more true. A relationship with your family is more important than anything. Your family is your blood, and you have been with them from day one. You can also say it as "Family is more important than any other." Your family is your blood, while anybody else is a friend. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that friends are just friends. It's just that many people tend to forget how much your family does for you, so this quote can really be a wake up call.

  This quote could relate to any teenager. Many teens tend to forget their parents do so much for them, and hang out with friends way more than with parents. Even I sometimes forget to be with my family. I'm sitting in my room talking to my friends and a sudden thought comes to me. "Did I talk to my mom & dad today?" I realized how important a simple hello is to your parents. Sadly, they aren't here forever, so you have to cherish all the time you have. Your family is very important to you, so do not forget that.

   In the end, blood IS thicker than water. Family comes first no matter what. Of course you can still be with friends, but don't forget to be with your family even more. Give your parents/siblings all the love you can give, because in the end, they really deserve it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Quote of the Week (╥﹏╥)

"It will all be worth it in the end" - Unknown

   This quote means theres never such a thing as something bad happening to you. Everything and anything in your life is because of what is coming in the end. You may go through difficult times, but soon enough all your hard work will be worth it. No matter what, you will face hardship in life when you are working towards something. This is being just because that's how life works.

   This quote relates to anybody who has a goal in life. Any bad thing that happens to you in life is an obstacle. Everybody faces obstacles, it's a part of life. Obstacles don't happen to you, they are for you. They can be see as a trail, to show you you're going the right way. The more obstacles, the more value your goal has. You can never go the easy way in life, just try your hardest and face your obstacles.

   I feel this quote is very important when it comes to life. When you're in your worse days, you may sometimes regret the paths you chose because of the difficulty it came with. But in the end, you know all this will be worth it in the end. You will feel accomplished, which is the best feeling in life you can get.

Quote of the Week ¿(❦﹏❦)?

"Believe that life is worth living and that belief will become a fact"

   We all know life is worth living. All the things you can do, become, and create. Everybody knows for a fact that life is worth living. But there are other things many people don't believe. Before something becomes a fact, it has to become a theory. Many people miss the fact on how you cannot have something right away. Example: It was a theory that I would ace the test tomorrow. To make that a fact, I studied like crazy to get an A. After that, I got an A on the test. The theory became a fact. You have to work hard for something you want, or else you won't get it.

  This quote relates to any human being in this world. It's just that many human beings don't know this quote relates to their life. In life, you have to think before you act. Believe you can do something, and that belief will become a fact.


Quote of the Week( ´_⊃`)

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." - Walter Bagehot

   This quote means that in life, you feel great when you accomplish something people say you cannot achieve. Don't ever let anybody tell you what to do, or construct the path of your life. Many people in this world bring you down for things, simply because they themselves cannot accomplish it. The most important thing in life is control. Do not let others control you, because they think they know you better than you know yourself.

  This quote relates to anybody who has had even one accomplishment they didn't think would happen. It feels great when you achieve something others doubted would happen. Prove them wrong! Do not let others get to your head, and just listen to yourself. Negativity is an obstacle, and sometimes, people fail to break them. That is why you just be the true you.

  In the end, it's normal to come across somebody who doesn't want you to accomplish something. The real challenge is to avoid those kind of people. If you do, I guarantee you will feel better about yourself. I myself have been through those times where I have been thrown under the bus because of negative people. You want to know what I did NOT do? I did not just stay with them, thinking that they are making me a better person. I blocked those people out of my life, and now I feel 100x better.