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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Quote of the Week ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

"Not every child has an equal talent or an equal ability or equal motivation, but they should have the equal right to develop their talent and their ability and their motivation, to make something of themselves." - John F. Kennedy

This quote means that humans might have equal or more talent in something than one another, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't have the equal right to develop a talent, or not have the same amount of motivation. If a child is doing less than the others. don't not motivate them, since the others are doing better and deserve more motivation.

This quote relates to a book my fellow classmates and I are reading. The book is called The Giver. (P.S. it's an amazing book and I totally recommend it!). It doesn't "relate" to The Giver, but it's a good example to use for this quote. As many know, Jonas' job was given to be a Receiver. Some other twelves was given maybe a Nurturer. Even though a Receiver is obviously more important to the community, both jobs should be equally motivated. No matter how important something is than other, both should be treated equally.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Quote of the Week ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

"The reason a dog has so many friends is he wags his tail, not his tongue"

      This quote means that sometimes to humans, our ability to speak can be a bad thing. A dog expresses their feelings so that everybody can understand. If you take two people that live in a different environment and speak different languages, they will still both understand the meaning behind a dog wagging it's tail. A dog connects with anybody because of how easy it is to understand them. Even though a dog cannot speak it still makes it completely easier to understand them.

      This quote relates to me! I have two dogs, Noah and Mayah. Both are such loving dogs who I give all my heart to. Whenever I get into an argument with a friend or sibling I just turn to my dogs to comfort me. It's definitely more difficult to understand a human rather than a dog. When I argue with somebody it's probably because I get frustrated that I don't understand them! But my dogs are just so easy to understand, and even though they don't have the words to comfort me the fact that they love through actions is enough.

      In conclusion I think that even though it may be impossible, it would be nice to understand humans easier. It'll probably lead to more friendships and togetherness. Try not to express your feelings through words, and do it with actions. Give a hug rather than saying comfort words. The amount of hugs a person has had is probably lower than the amount of words said to them to make them feel better.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Quote of the Week (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

"Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

    This quote means that you shouldn't assume somebody is happy. Don't try to bring somebody down when they might already be low enough. Everybody must have at least one problem in life, so don't try to add another one to the list.

    As example, cyber bullying. An enormous amount of people cyber bully people they don't even know. Even if that person was doing something wrong, the bully shouldn't immediately resort to insulting or harassing that person. What if that person was just cranky and having a bad day? Maybe that person has a particular reason to act that way, so you shouldn't assume that they're doing what they're doing for the heck of it. Try to tell that person that what they're doing is not right, or say that they shouldn't express their anger on something unrelated.

   Another example is a recent quote I expressed, "Don't judge a book by its cover." If somebody walks into school with a bad hair day, or there's something wrong with their outfit, please don't point it out. There's nothing they can do about it. What is your comment going to fix in a situation like that? Are they able to go back home and fix their flaw just to make you happy on your rude comment? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but words like that can only make things worse. You should be kind and assume there's a reason why that person looks that way, and try your best to cheer them up.

    In conclusion, I think we should all be sweet to everybody because we don't know more to their story! Don't try to bring them down because you never know, they might be fighting a hard battle! So be kind to everyone and everyone :).

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Quote of the Week ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it."- Warren Buffett

    This quote means it may take long to do something, but no matter how long it took, it can take seconds to ruin it. There are millions of examples to this quote, but some examples I feel relate to it the most.

   This quote relates to friendships. You can be friends with somebody for years, knowing everything about each other, and always being together. But if one little gossip about each other slips out, everything can be ruined. If one wrong word said about each other, there can be an arguments for weeks.

   This quote also relates to businesses. Hundreds of businesses have been running before the 1950's. They may be very successful, but they still must be precautions. If the owner of that company says one thing that can offend a large amount of people, there can be immense drops in the selling of their product. And I have even heard of companies going bankrupt because of one small thing. That shows that years of hard work can be ruined with one word.

   This quote also relates to celebrities. We all know the major celebrities who messed up on one thing and their whole career was ruined. As example, Ariana Grande. She's a singer who is an idol to millions of people. She inspired everybody with her personality and her amazing voice. But remember that video, that one video that went viral on TMZ? It was of her licking a donut in a donut shop. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should let her off the hook because she's a celebrity. After the video went viral she got so much hate for doing one small thing. I think maybe the media should think that nobody is perfect!

   In conclusion, I think this quote relates to the world more than any other quote. It shows that nobody is perfect, while the world ruins each other because of not being it. In the end we should all forgive each other, by comparing one negative to the millions of positive.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Quote of The Week :P

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

     We've all heard of this quote before. If you think about the quote just by the few words it gives you, it means that if a book has a pretty cover, that must mean it's a good book, right? Also, if a book has a blank cover you must think the book itself must not be very pleasant to read. In other ways, you say this quote means not to judge a normal human being by their looks. I think we should all NOT judge a book by it's cover, which will really help society become less evil.

    This quote relates to the world in many ways. Imagine if somebody is wearing ''revealing'' clothes at a store, many people must immediately think that this person is seeking attention. If a girl has braces, or glasses, you have to think she's a nerd, right? That's because it's what they show on television to describe a nerd. That's what I feel is completely stupid. What I see is what the person is showing inside, not outside. I would treat a person with braces or a person without braces the same. I would treat a person that;s black or white the same.

     In conclusion, if I saw a girl showing her tummy and butt cheeks the amount of cares I would give to her is none! If I saw a guy sagging, I wouldn't assume he's a gangster. If they want to express their body that way, then let them! That specific outfit may make them feel confident, or they want people to know he/she doesn't give a crap about what they think! We all have a belly button. thigh, or underwear, and the difference of covering it under a layer of clothes or showing it doesn't matter! We all have skin, and the shade of it doesn't matter at all. We should stop judging people these days, because that's whats polluting this world.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Quote of The Week ^.^

"If you were another person, would you like to be a friend of yours?"

    This quote means that if you were in another persons shoes and saw your personality, would you be approachable? Another way to say this quote is to imagine if you were a totally different person, and you yourself today still existed. If you approached the person you are, do you think you would like to be friends with yourself?

    This quote relates to teenagers in this generation because we've all seen or have been a victim of a bully. Many bullies don't even realize that they are hurting people's feelings by what they're saying. Sometimes I feel people don't realize words hurt, but if they are in somebody else's shoes and saw their personality I bet they would be surprised on how rude they are.

    Sometimes I feel people should just stop and think that if whatever they have said in the past was said to them directly what would their reaction be? Happy, sad, surprised, or maybe not surprised? I feel this quote is crucial, and many more people should really look at them selves, and ask themselves if they're a bully.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

School Dress Code Ticks Me Off...

   Hey guys! It's still me over here. I just felt like doing something random this week. So today I'm going to do a rant. This rant is about the school dress code and how ridiculous the rules are.

    Ok, so I'm in middle school. Yes, at my school there is a dress code. And I've been dress coded a few times. The dress code for girls is UNBELIEVABLE comparing to the guys. For girls, the "dress coders" believe showing your shoulders is more important than your stomach. Now I ask why are shoulders believed to be dress code for girls? WE ALL HAVE THEM! When a staff was asked this they believe it's "distracting for boys". Ok let me just say when has any guy ever said "Hey man look at her shoulders ahah *wink wink*." No way in heck have I ever heard a guy say that. And plus it was just 103  Fahrenheit where I live so can we at least get some cool air on our "revealing shoulders"?
     And the other one, leggings. Now I believe there is two types of leggings. Really thin leggings that you wear under a skirt when it's a little chilly, or leggings that look like regular pants. There's a strict rule about leggings at my school, and you cannot wear them like pants under any circumstances, AND if you do wear them under shorts, dress, skirts, etc., they have to be longer than your fingers when you put your hand down. Now let me say something. Personally I feel like leggings and jeans are similar and different. I agree, jeans are as tight as leggings, but what do you see in one that you don't see in another? It's not like my butt is going to disappear is it? 

     This one is crucial to me. Shorts. The rules for shorts apply by putting your hands down and the shorts must be longer than the tip of your finger. Now let me tell you a funny story. In 6th grade I was wearing shorts on another hot day, probably around 100 degrees. This lady went up to me and looked me dead in the eye. Since I'm a nice person I won't include her name (not like I knew it anyways) , but she told me to put my hands down. Now the shorts were pretty long in my opinion, they were low but they werent high. When I put my hands down, honestly not even a centimeter of my finger passed the shorts. It was spot on, literally. And let me tell you what she did. Yep, I got dress coded. What completely bothered me was the shirt I changed into was given to me by the office ladies. The smell of that shirt smelled of socks and armpits and UGH. And the shirt was so oversized it could honestly pass for a dress. The fact that they dress code me and aren't even prepared to make me change into a normal tee shirt really confused me.
       This dress code rules are crazy and unfair in my opinion. The boys have it easy, basically all their clothes look the same. For girls? No way. Hopefully in the future for my fellow middle schoolers we can show our shoulders in peace and be allowed to consider to not die of heat and wear shorts!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Quote of the Week :D

"Don't bite off more than you can chew."

      We've all heard this famous quote before. In movies, TV shows, or maybe even a friend mentioned it. Obviously not literal, this quote means you shouldn't take in more than you can handle.

      As an example, not many, but some of the readers may have experienced college. If you take one class, you can easily "chew" that class, as in you can handle it. If you take seven classes, you bit off too much, so you cannot chew your classes. To clear it up, taking seven classes is something you cannot handle. You bit off the classes. The problem is you cannot chew (or deal with) the amount of classes.

     This quote also relates to me. At one point in my life, I did bite off more than I can chew. A few years ago, I was enrolled in karate, ballet, and soccer! It didn't seem like much if they spread across weekdays, but I also had school! Some days were chaos, I had to change in the car to be at karate by three (school ended at 2:30 at my elementary). Thankfully my mom noticed I bit off more than I can chew. I took too many classes, and it was stressful for me.

     Sometimes we all bite off more than we can chew. We try to prevent that, other times we can't help it. But our limits can be different. Which is why I actually know somebody that takes much more hours of activities then I used to, and she's completely fine with it! In no way possible I could handle that today, though. In conclusion, try not to stress yourself out. Just bite as much as you can chew, and don't overwork yourself!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Quote of the Week!

"An angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes."-Cato

        This quote means that many people tend to not think before they speak. Since this quote is obviously not literal, saying the man "shuts his eyes" means that person just wanted an answer, and didn't open their eyes to see it's right in front of them. This quote is mostly about people being angry, because you get mixed emotions, so either your brain or your mouth works. Most of the time, it's the brain.

       This quote relates to many people, especially people in school. Many friends in my school tend to argue a lot, and when they do it's crazy how they don't think before they speak.  I'm not perfect, I do end up spitting something out in no way I meant to say. A lot of people can relate to this. Maybe you told a secret that wasn't supposed to leave your mouth, or did an action that will be regretful. You will be thinking 24/7 how dumb you are, and that thought isn't pleasant. But, I have a method that many other people use too.

       Before I say something, I ask myself, "Will this affect somebody negatively? Will I regret it? Is it not positive?" I feel having those thoughts before I say something will drastically make a good change. Try to be the person who will affected by your words. If that effect isn't positive, just don't say it!

        In the end, instead of talking too much, try to talk only when necessary. Ask yourself the questions I ask myself, and try to act out how you will feel if the words you were saying were said to you.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Quote of The Week :)

"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist"- Indira Gandhi

         I feel this quote means that you cannot open up to others, if you yourself are not willing to. You cannot accomplish something if you're close minded. You cannot make peace if you are angry. There are many definitions to this quote, but it really only means one thing. It's really telling you to just be happy. We all had a point in our lives where we had no idea why people were blocking us out, or not accepting us. You think you try your best to be friendly, or to make a good appearance. To tell the truth, you probably aren't. Don’t be offended, I know how you feel!

      This quote really relates to me because in one point of my life, I did have friends. But I didn't feel like they would be there for me on days I needed them the most, or if they would choose me over others. I felt left out of everything. I blamed it on them, for being rude to me, for excluding me. I was completely wrong. The real problem was not that they didn’t open up to me; it’s that I didn't open up to them. They probably didn't know my favorite color or even my birthday, only because I didn’t tell them. It wasn't their fault, it was mine. 

     I started to become happier. I smiled more, looked down less, started conversations. I started to notice people becoming friendlier with me. I had a closed fist, but I started to open it. Right now I'm in 8th grade, and I do not feel lonely anymore. I have friends that are there for me, that know a lot about me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a perfect life. Sometimes I do feel unhappy, but I try my best to not look down, because that leads to me looking up.

    Here’s my advice, smile more! I know it’s not easy, you can’t change personalities overnight. Still though, if there are moments where you think it’s a right time to smile, just do it! Slowly over time, you will see more people will approach you. Start more conversations; walk up to people with a bright smile on your face! Don’t think that since you are ignored now, it’s going to be like that forever. I bet whoever’s reading this is an amazing person, and just doesn’t know it yet. Everybody has potential, but many just lack showing it! You cannot be friends with somebody that isn't approachable, so just be yourself and be joyful!